Where I’ve been

Burned out. That’s been my situation for the better part of 2021. Burned out from work, from the pandemic, from all the changes going on in my life, and did I mention the pandemic? I spent the majority of 2021 away from my family and friends, and isolating and not having opportunities to meet anyone…

You are GROOT

“You are Groot” said to me by Jim Two Snakes after I mentioned feeling uprooted as I watched them pack up my house to move to a new location in a different country. Groot moves on their own. They are a tree (sorta), they are the roots and the branches and the connection. And they…


My ADF Altar

I put together this little GIF to show you what’s on my normal ADF altar. I will change it up depending on what I’m doing, but these three elements are usually present. The candle represents Fire and and the Shining Ones. If I’m not home, this is often a little electric tealight or a red…