Finding Time for Devotion

Ossia Sylva posted On making space for the gods: a theology. In that post they included some great ideas for making space for the devotional practices in your life. This is something that I frequently struggle with.

I also grew up in an environment where people would randomly drop by – so the house was always acceptable and we always had snacks and drinks for people to have as they came by. But a lot of those habits have slipped away from me now.

So how do I make space for the Gods and Spirits? I have a small altar in my den/craft room, and we have one for our house spirits (our “housemates” as we call them). That’s all I have right now. We have limited space, and I’m trying hard to figure out the right balance of minimalism and paganism and crafting that works for me.

Ossia talks about the different ways of making space for the Gods – from given attention to bringing awareness of them with you through your day.

Making space is not an easy thing. Some days you’re exhausted, some days you’re overwhelmed. But it is still beneficial to find that time.

For me, I work the time with the Gods in between other things. Some days, it’s just a few moments taking meditation and thinking about the Gods. Some days it works, other days it doesn’t, but I keep trying and keep working on improving.

How do you find time for the Gods?

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