An Anglo-Saxon Ritual for the Spring Equinox

Written by Rev. Victoria “Leona Oigheag”
for the Protogrove of the Valley Oak

This ritual is written for a group, but it’s easily adapted for a solitary ritual.

You will need some kind of beverage, a symbol of eggs (or actual eggs) and a symbol of rabbits (chocolate rabbits count). You will also need some additional offerings. Water is always a good choice for any offering.

(Procession through fire and water – participants should enter between two individuals. One is holding a lit candle and the other is holding a bowl of ice)

ALL (sing):

Come we now as a people
To gather at the sacred Well.
Come we now as a people
Together in the Warmth of the Light and the Flame

(Words & Music By Rev. Ian Corrigan)

(after all participants have entered, the Warrior, or the person holding the candle, walks around the outside of the participants with the candle and says the following.)

Warrior (as they are walking around the area):

Thunor, Protector of mankind, Giant’s Bane, Earth’s son, accept this offering, and ward this Sacred Space.

(Warrior takes the offering outside of the ritual space, past where the participants are.)


Creatures of dark and distraction, wights who are twisted against our purpose. Your work is not our work this day.  We offer you this ale, and bid you to avoid our Hall this day. Know that we are well warded and well-warned have you been.

(Warrior or Clergy leads the two powers meditation)


The Children of the Earth call to the Veiled One, Earth Mother, Seed-bearer. Nerthus, you who provide food and water to sustain us, you who give life to the plants and animals that now breed and grow.  Nerthus, we honor you.

{offering of grain}


Nerthus, accept our offering!


Nerthus, accept our offering!


We gather today to celebrate the presence of Summer.  Today is the Spring Equinox, when day and night are in equal balance.  We celebrate the Spirit of Spring, called Eostre, as Sunna grows in strength and nourish us and our endeavors. 


As Fire and Ice created the Middle World, so do we re-create the Cosmos.


From the Well of Wyrd flows the Sacred Waters,
May the Dwarves witness our offering

{silver offering to the waters}


In the Sunlight Land above burns the Sacred Fire,
May the elves witness our offering.

{incense offering to the fire}


The roots of Eormensyl are nourished by the Well of Wyrd,
The branches read up into the Sunlight Lands,
Connecting Fire and Water, stands the Living Tree.

{grain offering to the tree}


Fire, Well and Sacred Tree,
Flame and flow and grow in me!


Fire, Well and Sacred Tree,
Flame and flow and grow in me!


We have cre-created the Cosmos, now let us open the Gates to the Other Worlds


Thunor, You have blessed this space, and now we ask your help once again.  Son of Woden, open the Gates.  May our prayers be heard in the Halls above, below and beyond this Middle Earth.  


Thunor, Open the Gates!

ALL (repeat):

Open the Gates!


Let the Gates be OPEN!


To the Spirits who dwell within this place,
To the elves, and dwarves and wights,
Good Neighbours, we honor you!

{Offering of incense}


Good Neighbours, we honor you!


To the ancestors of our people we call you across the ages!
Ancestors of blood and bone,
Ancestors, we honor you!

{offering of rosemary/herbs}


Ancestors, we honor you!


To the Mighty Ones, the Oses and the Wanes,
Who bless our rite this day.
Mighty Ones, we honor you!

{offering of incense}


Mighty Ones, we honor you!


Ēostre, You who the Venerable Bede recorded in history,
You who are the Spirit of Spring
Who brings new growth and new beginnings
We ask you here to bless our rite
To lend your energy to our working.

{Offering of marshmallow bunny}


Ēostre, we honor you!


As we give offerings to the Goddess of the Occasion, we also honor the other Gods and Goddesses, Ancestors and Spirits!

{Personal offerings}


To all the Gods and Goddesses
To all the Ancestors and Spirits
Accept the offerings we have given today
May your blessings shine down on us!

{pour offering of oil into the fire/well}


Kindred, Accept our Offerings!


Kindred, Accept our Offerings!


Now let us see what the Kindred tell us.

(Seer interprets the omen)


The Kindred have given us their message, and now we ask their blessing


(holding up the horn/chalice of honey-water or mead)
Oh Spirit of Spring, Oh Goddess Ēostre,
Bless this water with the blessings of the new Spring
Let us taste of the new growth and the new year!
Lady of Spring
Bless these waters!


Behold! The Waters of Spring!


Behold the Waters of Spring!
Do you accept the Blessings of the Gods?


We do!

(Pass the horn/chalice around and each person takes a sip with a thanks to the Kindred)


We have received your blessings, Oh Spirit of Spring!
Bless these tokens of new growth and fertility
That we may be reminded of the fertility within us
For new creativity and life!

(D1 sprinkles the Waters of Spring on the bowl/basket of eggs and bunnies – you can share these now, or after the rite depending on if you do a potluck or not.)


Ēostre, Bless these tokens of life!


Ēostre, Spirit of Spring, You have giving us your blessings this day.
Thank you for your blessings and the gift of new beginnings.
We honor you and thank you for joining us this day.
May we see your presence this day, and all days.

Ēostre, We honor you.


Ēostre, We honor you.


To the Mighty Ones, the Ose and the Wanes,
We honor you and thank you for joining us this day.
May we see your presence this day, and all days.

Mighty Ones, We honor you.


Mighty Ones, We honor you.


To the Ancestors of blood and spirit,
We honor you and thank you for joining us this day.
May we see your presence this day, and all days.

Ancestors, We honor you.


Ancestors, We honor you.


Good Neighbours, Spirits of this place,
We honor you and thank you for joining us this day.
May we see your presence this day, and all days.


Good Neighbours, We honor you.


Thunor, We thank you for blessing this space
We thank you for holding the gates!


Let us close the gates!

ALL: (repeat)

Close the Gates!


The Gates are Closed!


Thunor, You have held this place protected and sacred,

We honor you and thank you for joining us this day.
May we see your presence this day, and all days.

Thunor, We honor you.


Thunor, We honor you.


And so do the Hallows return
The Tree becomes a tree
The Well becomes water
The Fire becomes the flame


Let all return to what it was before


Nerthus, You who support us, who gives us life
We return to you now all the energy that is un-needed
That you may recycle it and bring with it new life.
We honor you and thank you for joining us this day.
May we see your presence this day, and all days.


And thus we stand, once again, in the world of the mundane.
May we remember the joy of this rite this day, and all days.


This rite is ended.

Sources of Inspiration:

Albertsson, Alaric. Travels Through Middle Earth: The Path of a Saxon Pagan. Kindle Edition.

Albertsson, Alaric. “Eostre Blessing Rite.”

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