Time for getting intensive

Cherry Hill SeminaryIn a few days, I’m heading out for my first “Intensive” for my Masters degree.

For those who don’t know, I have registered as a Master’s student at Cherry Hill Seminary.  I’m currently in my first semester of my Master’s program, but I have taken classes from Cherry Hill for a few years.  Cherry Hill Seminary offers pagan online training for both Masters students and students who are just interested in learning more about some topics.

Before enrolling in the Master’s program, I took a number of Insights courses – these are 4 week courses that give you a feel for Cherry Hill’s online program and allow you to interact with some awesome pagan folks.  I also found that there was quite a cross section of people in the Insights classes, and it was great getting the different perspectives.

Now that I’m taking longer classes (semesters are 12 weeks) I find that I’m really enjoying them too!  It’s great to be able to dig deeper into a topic, and I have more time to try to think things through during the class rather than afterwards.

As part of the Master’s program, I must attend at least 2 “Intensive” sessions.  These Intensives are in-person sessions where we delve into topics that are more challenging to address online.  I’m attending the first of my intensives this weekend, and I’m really looking forward to it!  It’ll be good to be in-person with some of my fellow students; and it’ll be good to be out of the leader role.  The student brainspace is very different from my professional brainspace, and I’m looking forward to the change!

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