The need to create
One of the most stressful times for me is when I can’t seem to accomplish anything. I’ve known this for years, but only recently did I recognize that this is not about accomplishing, but about the need to create.
I’m not sure where it comes from, but I need to make things that I can point to and say “I did that.” It doesn’t seem to matter if it’s a meal, or a website, yarn, socks or a shawl, or even an in-game mail. But it has to be something that *I* did. Not something that I organized, or helped other people to obtain, but something that I can say that I did.
Sitting and working on a yarn project, or cooking dinner, or brewing some beer .. they all help me to de-stress. I’ve got plans of creating for the Thanksgiving holidays. I’ve got a gift that I’m working on for a dear friend, charity crochet, brewing and food all planned.
Now that I’ve recognized this need, I make a point every day to try to create something. We’re home cooked food more now, and there are 3 current projects in progress.
I’m spending less time on the computer and playing games. I still do enjoy them, but my self needs the joys of creation to be happy, and putting time aside for that takes time away from the computer.
After watching a marathon of Dr. Who, and now writing this post … Now, it’s time to create.