Mind Power

The power of the mind is an amazing thing. It’s something that is very important for magic workers and divination workers to keep in mind as they do their work. The mind can cause things to happen by changing the way in which we react. Our emotions can overpower our thoughts, but our thoughts can…

Crafting for the Craft

You’ll often hear that the best tools are those you made yourself. To some extent, I have to agree. There’s just something about using (as a tool, offering or decoration) something that you’ve made yourself and are proud of. I don’t believe that you have to make all your tools, but making at least some items that you use…

Just Breathe

[This is a post for the Pagan Blog Project – click here for all PBP 2014 posts] Breathe, it’s one of the most important thing that we do with our bodies.  It’s how we get oxygen into our lungs and thus into our body, and how we get the toxic gasses back out of our…


I have always loved mythology. I grew up reading the stories of the Greek and Roman myths and reveling in the world of Hercules and Hermes and Artemis. It’s interesting that over the years I will occasionally reach out and find out more about myths, but they are definitely more a casual hobby.  In my OBOD studies,…

Justice [PBP]

I thought that Justice would be an interesting topic for the Pagan Blog Project this week. In my wanderings through various pagan publications, online and offline, I come across spells for Justice. Using magic for justice is a very tricky thing.  You have to be sure that your slate is as clean as it can…