Prayer for Sleep

Hail Cernunnos
Guardian of the Ways
You who sit between Hunted and Hunter.
Guard my dreams,
may they be peaceful
Guard my sleep,
may I find rest
Guard my soul,
may I stay safe.
Honored Cernunnos,
I thank you.
Hail Cernunnos
Guardian of the Ways
You who sit between Hunted and Hunter.
Guard my dreams,
may they be peaceful
Guard my sleep,
may I find rest
Guard my soul,
may I stay safe.
Honored Cernunnos,
I thank you.
Hail to the Golden Lady, Who cries golden tears. Brísingamen’s Bearer, Falcon Cloak Wearer, Chooser of the Slain, Hildisvíni’s rider, Cat Herder, Vanadis. Lady of passion and strength who brought Seith to the Aesir, who supports me through my days, and blesses me through my nights. Beautiful Vanadis, Accept our honor and passion. Lady Freya,…
By Rev. Vic S. (Leona Oigheag) This ritual is designed for Morfran Afagddu, son of Cerridwen and Tegid. You can learn more about him in “The Cauldron Born” by Kristoffer Hughes. Gather the following items for the ritual: 2 candles, chimes, grain, wine for offerings, drink for the Waters, oracle, incense, milk/water for offerings, candy,…
A simple ritual for you to do wherever and whenever you need. I wrote this very basic, minimalist ritual to demonstrate how you can do a quick Core Order of Ritual rite anywhere.
I pray for all the people in power.
May they be kind, and wise;
May they be strong, and true;
May they remember their communities,
And all within their influence.
In All That We Do By Rev. Victoria S. Earth Mother, we call to youWho sustains and supports us,And gives us strengthIn all that we do. Earth Mother, to you we praise,You who gives us gifts to buildAnd material to create,With this energy we raise Earth Mother, we give you HonorAs the sun sits high…
Recently Laine from The Lady’s Quill over on Patheos and the Facebook group Virtual Sessrumnir, challenged the devotees of Freya to create a short prayer that would be appropriate for repeated use like a mantra or with prayer beads. I will often use the following phrase from Ian Corrigan as a mantra for getting myself into the right…