Photo Friday
Recently I’ve been going through some of my old photos and I thought that I’d share some of the beauty of nature that I’ve captured with you.
Recently I’ve been going through some of my old photos and I thought that I’d share some of the beauty of nature that I’ve captured with you.
I have always loved mythology. I grew up reading the stories of the Greek and Roman myths and reveling in the world of Hercules and Hermes and Artemis. It’s interesting that over the years I will occasionally reach out and find out more about myths, but they are definitely more a casual hobby. In my OBOD studies,…
… or how I became a witch. Growing up, I spoke with faeries in our garden, and in the woods, and my friends gardens, and I thought nothing of it. As I got older, I realized that other people didn’t see the beings that I did, in fact, other people rarely saw the world as…
I am a creature of habit. I think to some extent we all are. It’s so easy to continue to do the same thing time after time. But does it really help us? Sitting in the same area on the train helps my train-riding friends to find me. Building habits of spiritual practice help to…
Alas, I have lapsed on my regular blog posting. My world got a bit turned upside down with moving our home, then traveling for the holidays with most of our belongings still in boxes. It made me realize how easy it is to fall out of practice. I took my runes with me, with the…
I have to admit that I’m a bit of a geek .. okay a lot of a geek, and I love having electronic versions of books! I find it easier to read eBooks because I can have all the books with me wherever I am with my iPad, and as such I can read whatever…
I realize the title is a bit .. interesting 🙂 My husband and I were getting ready to head out to visit some friends, and I realized I had to go to the bathroom. C is used to this by now, so he just chuckled and waited. The funny part was that I had just…