Hail to the Golden Lady

Hail to the Golden Lady, Who cries golden tears. Brísingamen’s Bearer, Falcon Cloak Wearer, Chooser of the Slain, Hildisvíni’s rider, Cat Herder, Vanadis. Lady of passion and strength who brought Seith to the Aesir, who supports me through my days, and blesses me through my nights. Beautiful Vanadis, Accept our honor and passion. Lady Freya,…

Words from the Hávamál

As I spend time researching ancient myths and stories, I am often reminded that we need to interpret the stories with consideration for the culture in which the myths were recorded. For the last few months, I have subscribed to  Huginn’s Heathen Hof‘s “Daily Hávamál” email. In this mailing, we get a verse of the Hávamál in…

Daily devotions

Daily devotions

As part of my spiritual practices, I spend time every day connecting with the Kindreds. Depending on what’s going on and the time of year, my methods change slightly. During the winter – the rainy months – I tend to do devotionals all indoors. I have altars set up in my bedroom and in my…

On Evil – while in bed

One of the interesting things that happen when you’re studying Theology and your partner is willing to have some pretty in-depth conversations on the topic, is that you have these conversations in bed. The other morning, one such conversation happened. The topic of the week for my class is theodicy. Merriam-Webster online defines “theodicy” as…