New Begnnings

This time of year is always a bit strange for me. In the traditional view of this High Day, sheep have lambs and snow drops are just starting to show up. But here in South California, we don’t have snow and there’s not a sheep to be seen for miles (at least not a live one).

This year we have a LOT of rain! It’s a balance of blessing and a challenge. This area is not used to a lot of rain and the ground doesn’t absorb it quickly. As a result, we’ve had many floods and a few people have lost their lives because of the weather.

The rain, however, does bring with it a blooming of new life — which is what Imbolc is all about! Our hills look like folded green velvet and my allergies are letting me know that the trees are busy reproducing! Sniffles aside, the growth is amazing.

In my general life, there’s a lot of new beginnings. I’ve joined a couple new professional organizations and had in-person opportunities with both groups. I’ve got a new role at work, and I’ve started a new certification program — so lots of new beginnings there too!

How about you? Are you seeing new beginnings in your life recently? Or in the world around you?

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