It’s about the little things

I’m not really sure where November went. It was all spun up in a whirlwind of house hunting, packing, moving and family. Whew it’s over .. and now on to December.

We’ve been in the new space for a little over a week now. Last night we hung up our keys. Sometimes it’s about the little things.

I had been feeling out of place since we moved. The old space wasn’t our any more, but the new space didn’t feel like it belonged to us yet. Or at least to me. So I hung my keys up.

I have a decorative key hanger that my Mother got when I was 12, and has passed down to me. The last time I used the hanger was when I lived in a place that I owned. I don’t own this space, but it does help to make it mine while I’m here.

So a little thing … just hanging up a key hanger, and now the space feels more like home.

I slept better last night than I have since we moved in.

Sometimes, it just takes a little thing.

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