Hi again
It’s been a long time since I posted on this blog. I’ve done some blogging over on Patheos, but not much. Writing is such a joy though .. maybe I’ll blog on both.
For now, hi!
It’s been a long time since I posted on this blog. I’ve done some blogging over on Patheos, but not much. Writing is such a joy though .. maybe I’ll blog on both.
For now, hi!
A few months ago, I started up doing a Day for Prayer for Freya. This was originally inspired by a the World Odin Prayer Day. Unfortunately, it seems that the group who did the Odin’s Prayer Day was not one that I’d like to associate with. But, this is the internet and I can do…
This is another step out of the broom closet for me … a public place on the interwebs where I can express my witchy and crafty thoughts and more. I have a couple of other blogs with different focuses, but they have generally slowed down or stopped. So .. we come to this one. My…
A couple weekends ago, I went to Many Gods West in Olympia, WA. It was my first time at the conference, and I was very happy that I went. Nikki and her crew put on a wonderful, educational weekend filled with new information, new experiences, and great community. The hotel itself had just completed a…
Many of my photos on Instagram include the hashtag #getoutside. The reason for this is to encourage everyone who can to spend some time outside. It’s easy for us to forget our connection with the rest of life, to forget our connection with the plants and animals and the spirits of nature that exist outside…
A little over a week ago, I went to a Buddhist temple for one of their Temple Life tours. The tour was great, and subject for another post. As part of the tour registration, I was required to put down my religion. That made me think … how do I define my religion? Depending on the…
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, one of the Kindred will insist that you pay attention to them. Lately, that’s Arianrhod for me. I’ve finally given in. The reason that I’ve been avoiding Her is that she is the mother of Lleu Llaw Gyffes, a god that I work with, and…