An Extrovert Alone

I identify as an extrovert. I’m not a very strong extrovert, but I’m definately more extroverted than not. Still … there are times when I don’t feel very extroverted. For years I thought that maybe I was really an intervert who was good at playing an extrovert. And then I realized that I’m not really,…

Walking through Fire

This post was inspired by the Pagan Experience May posts. Lately my daily divinations have been … interesting. They speak of a trial, of healing a hurt, and walking through the experience. In my Soul Work class at Cherry Hill Seminary last Fall, we talked a lot about moving through the Fire. When you walk…

When papers are good

Some folks may be aware that I’ve been taking classes at Cherry Hill Seminary   I’m into my 3rd semester and I’ve enjoyed all the classes I’ve taken so far and am really enjoying the current classes on Modern Paganisms and Public Relations!  This week, I managed to have three reasonably large peices of homework due and…

It’s about Framing

“Framing” may be a term that many of you aren’t familiar with … and since I’ve only heard it in professional management and leadership arenas, I don’t expect you to be. 🙂 “Framing,” in this context, is about how you phrase things.  If you want to say something that you’re not sure will be taken well,…