Mantras of devotion

Recently Laine from The Lady’s Quill over on Patheos and the Facebook group Virtual Sessrumnir, challenged the devotees of Freya to create a short prayer that would be appropriate for repeated use like a mantra or with prayer beads. I will often use the following phrase from Ian Corrigan as a mantra for getting myself into the right…

Hail to the Golden Lady

Hail to the Golden Lady, Who cries golden tears. Brísingamen’s Bearer, Falcon Cloak Wearer, Chooser of the Slain, Hildisvíni’s rider, Cat Herder, Vanadis. Lady of passion and strength who brought Seith to the Aesir, who supports me through my days, and blesses me through my nights. Beautiful Vanadis, Accept our honor and passion. Lady Freya,…

The Job Hunt Spell

A few years ago – before this blog was really a thing, I was in a situation where I needed a new job. I didn’t have one at the time, but I had some savings so I wasn’t desperate to take any job, I wanted one that fit me. To help me focus and to help get me job I did a little magic. For folks who are looking for a job, here’s what I did. May it help you to find a job that suits you!


Ostara 2012

My first ADF ritual that I’ve created. The following rituals were used for inspiration: Spring Equinox 2012 Protogrove of the Valley Oak   [Initiation & Purification] Folk process to Nemeton singing “Come we Now as a People” (words & music by Ian Corrigan) as participants are purified with smoke and water. Come we…