
If you talk to druids, you often hear of Awen. Some translate Awen as creativity, but it’s much more than that. The word “Awen” means inspiration in Middle Welsh, but it means so much more. The Druidic interpretation for Awen is the primal sound and light created from the sound of the name of god.

The three rays In the symbol can represent a number of different triads. The OBOD defines the rays as the triple aspect of deity. It can also represent earth, sea and air; body, mind and spirit; or love, truth and wisdom.

Modern Druids will sometimes intone the word “Awen” instead of the Sanscrit “aum” when they wish to invoke deity.

To me, Awen is the creativity that comes from a connection with the divinity and with the world around us. It is the energy which allow us to find solutions to problems that would otherwise be impossible, to create art, to find the right way to express ourselves, and to appreciate the beauty of the creatures and plants around us.

Awen also helps us to get to the truth. Only by understanding the true nature of our resistance and blockages can we break through to our full creativity.

Through Awen we can find our true nature and recognize the true nature of others. With Awen we can bring great things to ourselves and those around us.

– “Symbols of Druid Identity” (Version 2.8) Copyright © 1985, 2005 c.e., Isaac Bonewits
Awen on Wikipedia

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