Let there be Love

In addition to my work with the ADF, I’ve been working with the New Hermetics course from Jason Newcomb. This week’s lesson takes us through an exercise that’s about sending out love to the universe. It’s amazing how just focusing on love can put a smile on your face.  We’re not talking about sexual love,…


I have always loved mythology. I grew up reading the stories of the Greek and Roman myths and reveling in the world of Hercules and Hermes and Artemis. It’s interesting that over the years I will occasionally reach out and find out more about myths, but they are definitely more a casual hobby.  In my OBOD studies,…

Justice [PBP]

I thought that Justice would be an interesting topic for the Pagan Blog Project this week. In my wanderings through various pagan publications, online and offline, I come across spells for Justice. Using magic for justice is a very tricky thing.  You have to be sure that your slate is as clean as it can…

Healing Hurts

This week’s Pagan Blog Post is about Hurts.  Not the kind of hurt you get when you fall down, but the kind of hurt that gets into a child’s mind and changes the way they view the world. You may wonder what this has to do with magic. In order to perform magic fully, you…

Grounding [PBP]

Over my years of studying, and not studying, witchcraft, I keep coming back to the idea of grounding.  It’s a very basic thing, but is so incredibly useful!  One might even say, essential. My fellow Pagan Blog Project blogger, Sharmonia talks about Grounding this week as well and I have to agree with her. Being…