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Ancestor Rite

As we move towards Samhain, many people will perform a ritual to celebrate and honor their ancestors. Each person does their own ritual and there are no specific requirements to participate other than a focus on the ancestors. 

Here is a ritual that I did and shared with other ADF members online. 

For this ritual, you will need a candle, and something to write on. You could use your fingernail, a pen, pencil, or a pin.  The candle can be anything that you’re comfortable using. I use a tea light candle in this video and it works well.

You will be inscribing the rune Othala on the candle. For me, Othala is about traditions and lessons that you have learned from your family (blood, adopted, or chosen), and your teachers, and the world around you. 

Othala Rune

Here is the ritual script.

We pray to the Ancestors.
May you bless us as we do you honor.

Kindled from the great flame kept by prudent skill,
join with our common hearth that our flames be as one.

Jord, Earth Mother, may you join our rite and lend your Blessings.

Allies of our Hearths may you join our rite and lend your Blessings.

We come before you to thank you for your
Blessings and ask for your aide
in our working tonight.

As once there was Fire and Ice,
between them came the giant Ymir.
From Ymir’s body the gods created our world.
Between Fire and Ice,
between Order and Chaos,
We stand at the center of the Worlds

Heimdall, Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge,
I call to you to aid our work and guard the ways between.

As the fire opens as a gate,
as the well opens as a gate,
and as the tree opens as a gate,
so the gates are open.

I call to the Kindreds,
the Ancestors,
the Noble Ones,
Shining Ones,
may you join our rite and
lend your Blessings.

Ancestors, you who have come before
once more we call to you may you join
our rite and lend your Blessings

Ancestors, we do you honor.
May You accept this sacrifice as a token of our devotion.

May you accept this sacrifice as a token of our respect.
To all the kindreds here to you we do honor.

May the kindreds share their wisdom with us.

[Draw your Omen]

Children of Earth please take a moment to remember your Mighty Dead, those Ancestors who have joined us here today,
along with the other Shining Ones,
along with the Noble Ones and the Nature Spirits.

Let us ask them to bless the waters.

Mighty Kindreds you have shared your wisdom with us.
We ask that you share your Blessings.
May you Bless this water as you have Blessed us.

Behold the Waters of Life.

If you accept the Blessings of the gods, of the Kindreds, please drink.

Now, take a moment to remember those ancestors
who have had a big impact on you.
Maybe they’re ancestors of blood, or spirit, or tradition.
Whoever they are, invite them to join us here today.

[If you have a candle, write or inscribe the rune of Othala.]

Othala is a rune of tradition and ancestors.
It connects us to that which has come before and reminds us to bring the blessings of the past to the future.

Othala is about culture and history and the things that we were raised with, things that our chosen family, our blood family, our family of society, families of nature have taught us as we go through lives.

[As you inscribe the rune, think of the things the ancestors have taught you.  Sometimes it’s happy memories and positive lessons, and sometimes it’s lessons about what not to do, or how to react or not to react when things happen. All of these lessons feed into who you are.]

Today we honor the ancestors, and all the parts of them that are in us.

We light this candle to honor our ancestors:
ancestors whose DNA we carry;
ancestors whose teachings we carry;
ancestors who have paved the way for us.

May we remember the lessons you have taught us.
May we remember the paths you have cleared for us.
May we remember that we are the ancestors of the future.

Ancestors we honor you.

[Take a moment to feel the strength, the backing, the lessons of your ancestors. Remember that we can choose who we honor.]

Our Ancestors remembered, our Work done,
It is time for us to unwind what we have wrought.

Our thanks to you Ancestors for your aid in this rite.

Our thanks to you Ancestors, Noble Ones, Shining Ones, Nature Spirits, for your aid in this rite.

Gatekeeper, Hemidall, now we ask for your aid one more time.

As the Fire becomes flame,
as the Well becomes water,
as the Tree just a rock again,
so the gates are closed

Our thanks to you Hemidall for guarding the ways and lending your aid.

Our thanks to the Allies of our Hearths for your aid in this rite.

Our thanks to Jord, the Earth Mother,
who supports us always,
for your aid in this rite.

This rite is ended. Go in peace.

May the Blessings of the Kindreds be with you this day and all days

Rune Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay

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