Goddess Festival Shawl

A spell for starting a new creative project

On a piece of paper, describe what you are doing and why you’re doing it. Write as if you’ve already finished the project – what does it look, feel, smell, taste, or sound like? What emotions does it bring about in you?

Fold the paper in half, folding towards you, and put it on the table. Put the Ace of Wands on top of it, and then put a candle on top of that. Use an appropriate candle holder to protect the tarot card or put a piece of foil over the card. You’re welcome to add any additional herbs, stones, runes, etc that work for you for new creative beginnings.

Call to mind the project that you described and light the candle while chanting:

“This is my will, so be it.”

Keep repeating the phrase until you feel the energy grow.

Carefully place your hands around the candle, then drop them to touch your paper and the tarot card.

Say “So it is!”

Let the candle burn out, then store the paper somewhere you can find it again. If you feel your focus on the project wavering, re-read the paper and do the spell again.

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