
Roses on the Wall
Flowers against a garden wall

Many of my photos on Instagram include the hashtag #getoutside. The reason for this is to encourage everyone who can to spend some time outside. It’s easy for us to forget our connection with the rest of life, to forget our connection with the plants and animals and the spirits of nature that exist outside of our day-to-day awareness.

Even if you live in a big city, or a small city like I do, there’s an opportunity to get outside and experience nature, to connect with life. I don’t generally spend time to go to parks, or go on hikes.  We have a park with an animal rehab/rescue zoo-style area.  We’re even members of the “zoo” but we go there only a couple times a year. Even there, the animals are contained and the plants are manicured.

Blind Peregrine teaches us about falcons

But even in this world of manicured plants we can connect with nature.  Outside of my third story window is the top of a tree, and there are little songbirds and squirrels who live in that tree. As I walk along the road, heading to the shop, I see birds and squirrels – in addition to the pets being walked. All of this helps me to connect with nature in the concrete of the city.

Beautiful Weeds
Beautiful weeds in the garden

One or twice a week, I walk to or from work.  It’s a bit over 3 miles, so it takes a chunk of my day.  Still, I experience frost on the leaves, the songbirds building their nests, the struggle of the weeds in the grass, and walk through gusts of flower puffs. At the same time, I’m staying away from cars, crossing bridges and highways, and staying aware to stay alive. In this way, I connect to life.

In our hectic world of virtual connection, it’s easy to forget our connection to life. Where ever you are, take what opportunities you can to experience the outdoors. If you can’t get outside, if you can open a window and experience the outdoors that way. Look away from the screens, and SEE the world around you.

Image Credits: All photos by me

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